The AIDS Crisis and Covid-19: A Familiar Journey? PART II | Entertainment Community Fund
Past Event

The AIDS Crisis and Covid-19: A Familiar Journey? PART II

Join us for a second gathering to continue our virtual discussion about the similarities of, and differences between, the current pandemic and living with HIV. Were there lessons learned and wisdom gleaned from the AIDS crisis? How can the HIV community best support each other during this time of COVID-19?


Group will be limited to 25 participants and slots will be filled on a first response basis.

Prior to the meeting, as with our first gathering, an article on our topic will be provided to participants via email.


Via the ZOOM platform

10:30-12:00pm PST

12:30-2:00pm CST

1:30-3:00pm EST


Contact Name: 

Alison Ankeny

Contact Email: 

